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Perturbed over the alarming rise of the e-waste burden in various cities, skilled professionals of ITI Berhampur have decided to install the tallest e-waste sculpture in the world to share a concern among the world community. As per the Waste Management Rules, 2016, the e-waste should be scientifically stored and dismantled as their unscientific management leads to pollution and various environmental hazards. In 2019, the world generated a striking 53.6 Mt of e-waste, an average of 7.3 Kg per capita. The global generation of e-waste grew by 9.2 Mt. Since 2014 and is projected to grow to 74.7 Mt. by 2030-almost doubling in only 16 years.

The team ITI, Berhampur believes e-waste sculptures would help generates awareness among the general public who are concerned about the environment. We have already set up the largest e-scrap park which is the largest in Asia as per Asia a book of records.

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Tallest e-waste sculpture of the world.
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Now it is obvious that during the time of Digitalization, the e-waste generated is very high. In each and every house there are some e-waste products. The electronics toys to Computer, Mobile, CD player, TV, VCR,…. like this thousand of wastes are generated every day. These wastes will create a huge hazardous environment in the world. To warn the world community regarding the amount of e-waste generated we are developing this tallest sculpture to draw the attention of the whole world. For our contribution to the environment Govt. of Odisha has felicitated us by the Department of Forest, Govt. of Odisha, and awarded PRAKRUTI BANDHU & PRAKRUTI MITRA AWARD on March 2019 world environment day.

This 29 ft tall sculpture is fabricated at campus and the e-waste collected from Berhampur City is being used here. This will consume more than 3 Tone wastes. The students from Electrician and instrument mechanic under the guidance of their trade teachers have developed this sculpture.

We have set up an e-waste collection center at our campus where the e-wastes are being collected and used on this huge sculpture. At present, a 16 ft tall e-sculpture is available at Bhubaneswar our 29 ft e-sculpture will be the tallest in the world and will be placed in Guinness book of records.

Principal, ITI, Berhampur, said with the theme ‘Hand pointing to the ground’, this sculpture gives the message to reconnect with Mother Earth by being responsible in scientific management of Electronic Waste (e-waste) and recycling it in a sustainable manner and to be responsible in the management of e-waste by following the principles of reduction, reuse, repair and recycle.

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