A Covid fearing man denied attending the cremation of his mother in Odisha

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This is the time when everybody accross the country are assist one another secure beds, medicines, oxygen and other essentials for critical patients, there are some who are crippled by the fear of Covid-19.

A man in Sambalpur refused to cremate his mother, who died after a spell of fever and cough. whilst the deceased woman had not been tested for Covid-19, her son assumed she was positive and refused to touch the body, fearing infection.

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No one from the village also came forward to conduct the woman’s last rites.

The woman was cremated after her younger son carried her body on a tricycle and conducted the last rites with the help of some social activists.

According to the state health portal, Odisha on Thursday recorded over 6,200 cases of Covid-19 and eight deaths. The state currently has 39,117 active cases of Covid-19

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